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'Healthy Behaviors Initiative'
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'Healthy Behaviors Initiative'
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'Healthy Behaviors Initiative'
Butte COE Afterschool
Central Middle School (Oroville City Elementary School District) became certified as a Healthy Behaviors Learning Center on September 30, 2012. The entire Central Middle Afterschool Program is focused on healthy behaviors and healthy learning. The Central Middle Afterschool Program has a diverse student population, comprised of 25% Asian, 25% Caucasian, 20% Hispanic, 15% African American, 5% Native American and 10% from a wide variety of cultures around our globe. The site offers free and reduced lunches to 67% of its students. Central Middle Afterschool Program’s ethnically diverse staff develops educational programming which is multi-cultural as well as nutritional. Each day physical activity is emphasized.
The CalSERVES afterschool program partners with six Santa Rosa elementary schools in two school districts to serve over 1,200 students each year, providing academic support, enrichment, homework help, nutrition education and physical activities. The program serves children and families who are struggling with poverty and its associated challenges. CalSERVES uses AmeriCorps funding to help staff their program and achieve low staff to student ratios. They have achieved excellent academic outcomes with a high English language learner population and demonstrate the power of nutrition education and physical activity with their students. The Healthy Behaviors Learning Centers at Kawana Elementary and Taylor Mountain are located in Santa Rosa.
Fitness 4 Life
The afterschool Fitness 4 Life program serves students from 13 elementary, 5 middle, and 3 high schools in the Pajaro Valley Unified School District. The program serves over 2,000 students each year providing alternative triathlon training and non-competitive skill building. The program serves kindergarten through twelfth graders in the communities of Watsonville and Pajaro, California.
Club Chavez afterschool program serves students from Cesar Chavez Middle School in the Pajaro Valley Unified School District. The program serves over 200 sixth through eighth graders daily in the community of Watsonville, California. Club Chavez began operation in the fall of 2007 after receiving both the ASES and 21st Century funding. In January 2009 Fitness 4 Life and Club Chavez were named as Healthy Behaviors Learning Centers.
The Fitness 4 Life afterschool program also serves students from Starlight Elementary in the Pajaro Valley Unified School District. The program serves over 250 students from Kindergarten through the fifth grade. Starlight serves a high poverty student population (over 80 percent are eligible for Free and Reduced Lunches) that is 95.6% Hispanic, and 3.2% White not Hispanic. 73% are English learners. In September 2009, PVUSD was named Central Coast Governor’s Challenge District of the Year, in large part due to the healthy contributions of Fitness4Life. In the fall of 2011, Starlight was certified as a Healthy Behaviors Learning Center. Starlight is a well-rounded, comprehensive after school wellness program with three focus areas: Academic Intervention, Enrichment and Healthy Environment. Students take part in both physical activities and nutrition-based programs designed to promote healthier lifestyles. Physical activities include swimming, biking, salsa and hip-hop dance, sports, soccer, exercise and fitness, and table tennis. We are dedicated to developing skills in youth for a healthier future.
Fresno FRESH
The Madison Elementary Afterschool Program is one of 131 Fresno County Office of Education (FCOE) FRESH program sites. Madison became a Healthy Behaviors Learning Center in 2009 and actively supports hands-on nutrition education and increased physical activity for its high poverty students. Madison is a leader in this area and is known for its strong youth development work.
Institute for Student Success (ISS)
The mission of Institute for Student Success (ISS) is to provide a safe and supervised after school education, enrichment and recreation program for kids in grades K-12. The Healthy Behaviors Learning Center at Wilcox Elementary School serves students in kindergarten through fifth grade. The make-up of the student body is 93% Hispanic, 2% Black, 2% Asian, 1% White and 1% American Indian. The site serves a high poverty population with 80.9% eligible for free and reduced lunches. The Healthy Behaviors Learning Center teaches students how to choose a healthy lifestyle with the help of partnerships that emphasize nutrition and physical activity. The goal is to ensure student awareness and provide measurable results regarding their accomplishments. ISS has a credentialed physical education teacher and nutritionist on staff who, together, develop our curriculum and lesson plans. Physical activity includes standards based activities and games. Students are tested using the Presidents Physical Fitness model.
Kids Campus Youth Center (KCYC)
Durfee Elementary School operates its after school program at the Kids Campus Youth Center (KCYC), a facility is exceptionally well-suited to provide student enrichment services. This 18,000 sq. ft. site was built in 2006, and over the last few years we have been diligently designing the expansion of our children and youth programs. The KCYC serves a highly diverse student population of predominantly low-income and poverty level children and youth. Of the children who come to our program, approximately 89 percent are Latino, 11 percent Asian/Pacific Islander, and 1 percent White. Free and reduced lunches are served to 89% of the student population. Our mission is: “To share love, hope and resources with our neighbors who are in need.” We believe that healthy children and strong families are the cornerstones of a thriving community. At KCYC, our program isn’t just changing lives…it’s saving lives by helping address childhood obesity. Students are becoming healthier through the opportunities we offer and the knowledge they gain.
LA’s BEST is a non-profit after school program whose mission is to provide educational, enrichment, and recreational opportunities for children in grades K-5. LA’s BEST has been in operation at Victory Elementary since 2006. The program serves 120 students daily with demographics of 91.5 percent Hispanic; 2.4 percent African American; 1.1 percent Asian; 0.7 percent Filipino; 0.1 percent Pacific Islander; and 4.1 percent White. Free and reduced price meals are offered to 91.7 percent of the student population. Our goal at Victory Elementary is to offer students an array of experiences that will provide ongoing learning opportunities which will enhance students’ lives and well-being. We strive to accomplish these goals by providing a variety of engaging activities and field trip opportunities, and by developing community partnerships. The core activities at Victory are divided into three and a half sessions: 1) help with homework, 2) a nutrition or fitness learning activity that integrates core academic skills such as reading, math, or science, 3) physical activity, and a nutritious snack. Victory Elementary offers a variety of programs and activities that are highly customized based on our students’ needs and our staff’s interests and experience.
Mt. Diablo CARES
Mt. Diablo Cares afterschool program is widely recognized for its strong partnerships and use of organic gardens for nutrition education (and much more). Their vision, Children Learning to Change the World, guides their work as they encourage children to learn and lead through a variety of experiences! Annually, the program brings 100 tons of fresh produce to its sites through a partnership with the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano. Mt. Diablo’s Healthy Behaviors Learning Centers are located at El Monte Elementary and Riverview Middle School.
Sacramento START
Sacramento Students Today Achieving Results Tomorrow (START) builds the capacity of students to succeed by providing opportunities to learn and lead within our communities.
Our mission is to foster enthusiasm for learning through fun and structured engagement in a safe and caring out of school time environment.
Sacramento START provides opportunities to strengthen academic skills, physical, social and emotional competencies while engaging in exciting, rewarding, life changing activities.
Students participate in self-selected clubs such as dance, theatre, art, cooking, gardening, yoga, and other physical fitness, as some of the enrichment opportunities offered. We integrate fitness and nutrition into the program as intentional components to help make a difference and support healthy behaviors in the lives of our participants by providing students, parents, and the community the opportunity to increase their knowledge on how to make, eat and access healthier meals, as well as increasing their daily physical activities to get and stay fit. Our schools at Harmon Johnson Elementary, Del Paso Heights Elementary, and Abraham Lincoln Elementary are proud to join the other HBI Learning Centers.
San Francisco ExCEL
The mission of SF ExCEL Afterschool Program is to create and sustain safe havens at public schools where students and community members can access expanded learning opportunities and integrated education, health, social services and cultural programs in the out-of-school hours. These programs operate in over 90 elementary schools, K-8 schools, middle schools, and high schools. ExCEL is funded by California's After School Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning Centers and 21st Century ASSETS grants and enhanced by in-kind and contributions from local funders and community agencies. ExCEL partners with San Francisco’s Department of Children, Youth and their Families to ensure that funds from the local children’s tax initiative support the sustainability of ExCEL programs and partners.
San Francisco ExCEL offers two Healthy Behaviors Learning Centers, ER Taylor Elementary and Sunset Elementary. Under a Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) grant, 14 sites (including ER Taylor and Sunset) have been able to enhance their physical activity with an emphasis on increasing the amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity for all students.
The Safe Education and Recreation for Rural Families (SERRF) Afterschool Program began in 1999. It is part of the two- school Antelope School District. Antelope Elementary School is the site of the Healthy Behaviors Learning Center, which was certified in September 2012. The school has 399 students in grades K to 5th. The ethnicity of students is: African American 2.1%; American Indian 1.8%; Asian 1/8%; Filipino 0.3%; Hispanic 23.7%; White 69.3%. Fifty-nine percent of the students are eligible for free or reduced lunch. Antelope SERRF is committed to helping students and their families develop healthy lifestyle habits. The Antelope SERRF team has made a commitment to be a Healthy Behaviors Site. By making this commitment, they have each pledged to fulfill a specific goal in their work with the students. Each staff member was asked to set one achievable goal for the school year to promote health thereby helping their students to decrease poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle choices.
Shasta COE - Project SHARE
North Woods Discovery School is under the oversight of Shasta County Office of Education’s Project SHARE after school program, and was certified as a Healthy Behaviors Learning Center on September 30, 2012. The site serves students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Regular day enrollment is 200; after school enrollment is 92. The ethnic diversity of students is: American Indian 4.9%; Hispanic 6.9%; White 83.7%; two or more races 4.3%. At present, the regular day school program has 59% of the student population qualifying for free or reduced priced meals. In the after school program, the percentage of the participants who currently qualify for free or reduced meals is significantly higher. The Project SHARE staff at North Woods are committed to the HBI goals for both themselves and the site. We all share a vision of an after school program in which children and their parents can benefit from learning how to grow, harvest, prepare and shop for healthy, whole foods within any budget. We believe every child can find a physical activity that they enjoy that will get them up and moving, and if children are excited about movement, families will support, and often participate in, that movement.
Success Through Academics & Recreation (STAR)
Success Through Academics & Recreation (STAR) is a free, quality after-school program that ensures children a stimulating environment and safe haven while parents are working. This program provides students in grades 1-8 with academic assistance and recreational activities using a proven curriculum. STAR operates every day of the week from the end of the school day until 6 p.m. in each Paramount Unified School District (PUSD) K-8 school, with a capacity of 100 students per campus.
The Healthy Behaviors Learning Center at Jefferson Elementary is one of 15 STAR after school sites. Jefferson serves students in 1st through 5th grade. The staff to student ratio is 1:20. Currently, this school has a waiting list to enter our program. Student demographics are: 7.7% African American; 4.0% Asian; 1/3% Filipino; 87.5% Hispanic; 0.4% Pacific Islander and 1.1% White. Free and reduced lunches are offered to 91.4% of the student population.
THINK Together
THINK Together began at Tracy Elementary School, in Baldwin Park Unified School District, in February of 2006, and was certified as a Healthy Behaviors Initiative Learning Center in 2010. We are funded for 84 students per day, 86.3% of whom qualify for free or reduced lunch. Student demographics at Tracy Elementary are: African American 8%; American Indian 1%; Asian 29%; Filipino 26%; Hispanic 87.5%. The organization’s mission is to provide high quality academically-oriented out-of-school programs for students regardless of race, creed or socio-economic status. We have established a specific vision, which is for every student to make healthy choices throughout their lives and encourage those around them to do the same.
We have created nutrition goals and physical activity goals for the site, emphasizing and encouraging wellness. Knowing that students will make healthier eating choices by themselves, our nutrition goal is that students will eat more fruits and vegetables in school and at home. Our goal for physical activity is that students will improve their physical activity during program by participating at least four times a week in moderate to vigorous physical activity.
The Village Extended School Program (VESP)
The Village Extended School Program (VESP) at Plymouth Elementary School is an After School Education and Safety (ASES) before and after school program managed by Monrovia Unified School District (MUSD). The Village Extended School Program at Plymouth has been in operation since the fall of 1999 and was certified as a Healthy Behavior Learning Center in May of 2012. Plymouth Elementary School is 64 percent Hispanic, 15 percent White, 15 percent Asian/Pacific Islander, 4 percent Black, and 2 percent two or more Races. Sixty-three percent of the students who attend Plymouth are on free or reduced lunch.
In the 2010-2011 school year, Plymouth Elementary School won the Governor’s Fitness Challenge. Additionally, our nutrition program provides hands-on nutrition curriculum that engages students in weekly nutrition education, investigation, and experimentation using the “Produce of the Month” provided by The Network for a Healthy California as a starting point. Our Activity Leaders also receive user-friendly lesson plans and regular training which enables them to utilize these materials with students very effectively.
Woodcraft Rangers
Woodcraft Rangers reaches out to over 18,000 at-risk young people in the greater Los Angeles area annually through enriching afterschool and camping programs. The organization's programs are designed to help children and youth mature into healthy, productive adults through positive experiences and age-appropriate challenges. San Antonio Elementary is one of Woodcraft Rangers’ 61 afterschool sites. It serves as one of fourteen Healthy Behaviors Learning Centers that work with other afterschool programs to help them improve students’ eating habits and physical fitness by intentionally integrating physical activity and nutrition education with youth development principles and practices.
A World Fit for Kids!(WFIT)
A World Fit for Kids! is an award-winning, physical activity-based youth development program recognized by the California Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports for its positive impact on the physical activity and fitness levels of California’s children and youth. Its two Healthy Behaviors learning centers, at Frank Del Olmo Elementary and Norwood Elementary, serve high poverty student populations in Los Angeles, making a significant difference in their healthy eating and physical activity. Since 1994, WFIT has been preparing teens as health advocates, leveraging their impact on the fitness, well-being, educational performance and life-readiness of youth in Southern California. To learn more, visit WFIT’s Teen Programming and Training Page.
YMCA of Silicon Valley
The YMCA of Silicon Valley is a strong state, regional and national leader in its work to get kids healthy. The program's Healthy Behaviors Learning Center is located at Pomeroy Elementary, in Santa Clara. The program has recently received funding from Kaiser Permanente to create three additional Healthy Behaviors Learning Centers.
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'Healthy Behaviors Initiative'