Managing Costs
This module covers the context and tools for evaluating strategies to control health care costs, including understanding the business model of insurance and learning how to get the most out of it, as well as information on specific strategies, such as CECHCR’s Second Opinion Program and Health Promotion and Wellness.  This module also includes the latest information on the Affordable Care Act.

  1. To give districts and unions the context and tools for evaluating strategies to control health care costs.
  2. To understand and learn to effectively utilize the business model of insurance.
  3. To empower districts and unions to make informed short- and long-term plans to affect their own health care costs.
  4. To understand health promotion and wellness programs and how to benefit from them.
  5. To acquire information about hot topics such as the Affordable Care Act.
  1. Learn about the components of health care costs.
  2. Learn the difference in delivery models and who benefits from them.
  3. Learn specific strategies to control costs.
  4. Learn about effective health promotion, prevention and disease management and why they are important.
  5. Learn about the provisions of the Affordable Care Act and how to determine their effect in your district.